External links

By clicking on the links below, you leave this website. Please keep in mind that I am not reliable for external websites's contents! Thank you.

bitsavers.org   Al Kossow's Bitsavers. A huge collection of classic computer documentation and software!
www.pdp8.de   Gerold Pauler's PDP-8 website.
Computermuseum Stutgart   The "third best" computer museum in Germany.
Spartan but comprehensive website maintained by Klemens Krause and Christian Corti.
(The reason they call their museum the §third best": They mention a "best" one. And then, to emphasize it's superiority, they declare the second place to be empty...)

A must-visit for everybody interested in working vintage computing equipment!
h316.hachti.de   My Honeywell H316 website
www.hachti.de   My personal homepage (in German)